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Stepping Outside Your Bubble: How Entrepreneurs Can Innovate, Adapt, and Evolve

Last week, Imran Amed's article resonated deeply with me about the importance of stepping outside our comfort zones to grow.

Photographic exhibition by Nikolai von Bismarck
Photographic exhibition by Nikolai von Bismarck

I recently had the opportunity to apply my strategy, negotiations, and positioning skills in a completely new industry. It gives me joy to share my pivotal role in a photographic exhibition by Nikolai von Bismarck. This collaboration culminated in the exhibition "Athens, The Living Past," which took place on June 11 at the Stefanidou Tsoukala Gallery in Athens, curated by Amir Zia.

This experience (stepping outside your bubble) reaffirmed the power of transferable skills across industries. Whether you are a strategist, marketer, or creative, there is immense value in exploring new horizons. It challenges you to innovate, adapt, and ultimately, evolve both personally and professionally.

Try something new, and embrace opportunities outside your comfort zones. 

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